Originally Posted by XjapanFOREVER
400gb.... how many XBOX 360 discs (DVD's) is that?!
About 45 Dual layer DVDs, does are the ones they use on the XBOX 360
Originally Posted by Tyrien
Shouldn't be saying that won't be used either. Kojima managed to almost fill an entire 50GB blu-ray with all the cut scenes and HD audio. Even more space would allow for multiple language options on the same disc, as well as extra content like making of, and bonus features to grant a greater draw to buy the game. So it's meaningless information for 360, but opens up more possiblities for PS3 developers.
But Kojima didn't compress the HD audio, that's why he almost filled a whole 60GB blu-ray.
Originally Posted by XjapanFOREVER
also, with the increasing size of games, imagine the HDD you would have to have to store multiple games on it. A couple TB if you want a decent collection of PS3 games.
And, just like in the pass, HDD space will increase.
Originally Posted by SephirothVVC
what kinda game needs that many GB's. isnt a DVD only 4? and then single layer blu-ray is 30GB right? i cant imagine how long it would take to make a game that needed that much space
Dual layer DVDs are 9GB. And Dual layer BR are 60 GB.