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ivi0nk3y (Offline)
Calm Like A Bomb
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12-04-2008, 07:00 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I would disagree with almost every statement you have made.
Well you can disagree with it all but that doesn't mean i'm wrong in the slightest.

Lets discuss why eh?

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
CDs may not be going anywhere, but CD sales are falling through through the floor. When was the last time you saw someone put a CD in a portable player?
Hmm, when did portable CD players suddenly become the only CD playing equipment? They aren't used too much anymore because there are mp3 players and smaller technologies available. Sales might have decreased but thats only cos there's more choice.
I saw someone today use CDs to play music and I do as well, everyday.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Maybe things are different where I live, but almost no one I know buys physical CDs, everyone buys online for their ipods.
I think they just may well be. Is it a small town or a city?
Either way, if people are more likely to have iPods and the like, then yes you are more likely to get digitally distributed media. However if any serious music lover listens to music, they want the original CD, so they can listen to it at home or in the car on their phat sound system.
At the end of the day, it depends what technology is being pushed by companies. iPods are a fad and normal mp3 players have fast become just as popular. It doesn't mean it is something that is "popular" because people prefer it. It just means that is the technology available and Digital Distribution is what is available for it.
As I said before, Digital Media is a choice, not something that should be forced onto people by these fat cat companies.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
They are dedicated systems. In short, I have never experienced a console HD failure nor have I heard of anyone having an HD failure on a console game.
But I have seen it and so have a lot of others. In fact, just because a console is a dedicated system, doesn't mean its hard drive won't fail. The hard drive itself is not made by Sony or Microsoft and neither are a lot of components in a console. This means that the hard drive is just as likely to fail as in any PC because it has moving parts and the same MTBF (mean time between failure) rate. Being a dedicated system means nothing as far as the HD is concerned.
Anyway in my experience, the only console that hasn't had a problem with data loss is the Wii and that is because it uses Solid State Technology to store things.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Broadband not becoming advanced? FiOS is now available where I live, and that is the biggest advancement in a decade.
I meant the companies offering broadband services are not advanced and are actually stepping backwards with products and services they offer.
Broadband can get advanced till its green in the face but if the services that companies offer are not viable, you will not have any kind of progress.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I, too, like having physical copies of things I collect and own, but that thinking is becoming outdated.
According to who is it becoming outdated?

I and plenty of people will never think so.

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
They used to say that about games on CD. "We'll never need more than 700 megs for a game".
He didn't outright say that it would never happen. Just that it would take time for it to.
"Experts" used to say a lot of things like that about PCs and consoles anyway. It'd be nice to think that they abstain from absolute dismissal about a certain subject these days.

Truth Hurts


Last edited by ivi0nk3y : 12-04-2008 at 07:02 PM.
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