Originally Posted by MMM
I am not going to predict the future, and I never said physical media will be completely eliminated, but digital download is where I would put my bet for the present and future gaming systems.
I can argue it because it simply isn't a fool proof option yet. Just because people download a game or two, it doesn't make a particular technology "the wave of the future".
I've been downloading games myself for years. Stuff like "Steam" has been available on the PC for some time. I've downloaded a few games from there but the annoyance of having to redownload games everytime I format or something, makes me just want a hard copy which I can refer to whenever I want, without having to wait an hour or two before I can reinstall something.
Its difficult to get people to relate when they haven't downloaded and installed WoW over the internet.
It took a total of 7 hours because Blizzards P2P filesharing is so crap.
I'm afraid I don't put my bet in it either, just because CD/DVDs are nothing like Vinyl (so the comparison is moot) and it's way less riskier to have a hard copy game or piece of software, than a DD one.
Like I said before, the prices of reliable hardware will have to come down by a lot for this method to be a viable option.
Storing things on CD/DVDs are way less risky than on a hard drive. The only risk involved is human error and how he/she takes care of their copies.
So, find a better storage solution, better download software, less stingy ISPs and perhaps an option for relevant media memerobilia to be sent via post (like the cd booklets etc) and you might have a case.