Originally Posted by aznvogue
Yes, you have more natural beauty. But I'm thinking that you just need to leave any powder based products off and eyeliners/shadows. I think all you should do is use a natural lipstick and that will pull it off. Try it and then post up sometime, I bet that would make you even hotter.
I disagree.
The lipstick would be too much like the powders etc..
Go natural for day to day things, do something funky with your eyes (but not over the top) for nights out or whatever.
lol why has this suddenly turned into a fashion tips page?
My avatar is me with my makeup that i wear for concerts/gigs. Theres pics of me without it on my myspace.
MySpace.com - AsH - 21 - Male - Bradford, UK - www.myspace.com/666shad0w666