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Naoko (Offline)
Evil Muffin 奈央子
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Illinois, USA
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12-05-2008, 12:50 PM

I want to get married. It may seem shallow, but I don't want to be somebody's girlfriend for the rest of my life. Then again, I have my priorities and moralities when it comes to marriage straight. Rushing into it is stupid and that's why a lot of people go getting married in their early twenties and divorcing one or two years later. They didn't truly know that person, nor their feelings towards that person. Love isn't lust/infatuation. People don't see the bad parts of marriage...there are times where the sh** is going to hurt, and you have to stand by your other half. They oftentimes don't make sure that they share the same life goals, etc. It's just a ring, fancy title, and a piece of paper to them, and that's why it fails. If you don't believe in what it stands for then there's no point.

Some people just -shouldn't- get married, and that's fine. I have absolutely nothing against people who think that way as for a time I felt the same. However for me, if I get married, it WILL be the last time. I don't care if we get divorced later on down the road, as the person that it's with has my same morals and believes divorce is a last result when things are just not going to work and is for the best. I will not get married a second time whether someone comes along or not lol.

外人警報発令中!!!! ヽ(`Д')ノ
My Japanese still sucks. Feel free to correct me! Any constructive criticism is appreciated.((どうも、ナゴナゴさん!!))

Last edited by Naoko : 12-05-2008 at 12:52 PM. Reason: Edited for clarity :)
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