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12-05-2008, 05:12 PM

Originally Posted by Keaton421 View Post
People these days are hilariously afraid of marriage. They say stuff like "I need to find myself first" which is a cheesy vacuous line from every romance movie ever. It's not so much that people want to find themselves or be with many different partners - it's that people who married stupidly portray marriage as an evil institution, and our generation is notoriously afraid of commitment and sacrifice.

I'm all for marriage. I think the dating scene is an abomination, a ridiculous and expensive mating ritual - and I wouldn't stay for someone for long if we weren't thinking about our future. Those couples that pretend to play house but are really just f*ck buddies are funny to me
*clap clap*

This sums up most of my feelings. I have never seen any point in a relationship that doesn`t at least have the potential to last. I`ve only been in one relationship that was shorter than a a year and a half - and it was very short, cut off by me when I realized there was no point in pursuing it.
I mean, honestly, why set yourself up to be hurt or to hurt someone? I think there are very few relationships where both parties go into it without any feelings, and end with none also.

Most of the people who are so terrified of marriage are because they`ve never been with someone who they could imagine spending their lives with. That`s not a problem with marriage - that`s just their experience. It`s like saying that all books are crap because you`ve yet to read one you like. The world is a very large place. If you don`t think you could handle marriage (or other name for until-end-of-life commitment - then it`s because the person you are with or have been with is not someone you should marry.

I`ve been married for 8 years now. We have the text book list of traits that cause marriages to fail* - and yet we`re incredibly happy. It`s all about the person. If it is the right person, marriage should not be scary.

*(Student marriage, interracial marriage, overseas marriage, very young marriage, long term hospitalization, disabled child, etc etc etc)

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