Originally Posted by KikiBunny23
Well, it's not very stiff and it hurts to touch so I'm avoiding putting to much pressure on it. But I think I might have a clue what hapened...
My cheer coach has been making us work out with the basketball players so we are doing lunches with medicine balls and I think I might have done something to it when we held them above our heads.
Either that or I did somethin to it when I had that asthma attack from running yesterday.
if that's the case...
it sounds like a strain
try not to use that part of your body too much
icing here and there helps
as a last resort of home remedies
try taking a hot bath
and loading the bath w/ a bit of salt
then soak for like 30 min or so
if all else fails, give it a week to see if anything happens
before going to see a doctor about it