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Arikado (Offline)
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12-06-2008, 03:11 AM

Originally Posted by Tyrien View Post
You don't find it the least bit ironic that people are claiming that "emo" kids stole VK, when jrock obsessed fanboys and fangirls see their favourite band decked in it and think it's just the coolest thing in the world and just must emulate it?

You see threads left and right on this forum for people trying to find sites they can buy cloths for the style from, saying it's cool, awesome, unique, blah blah blah. I mean it's not that I have a problem with people dressing how they want to dress, that's fine. What I find fucked up is how people claim one group of people "steals" their style, or is "ruining" it when all these people have done is do the exact same from the guys in jrock bands they drool over. Hypocrite much?

I almost hurt myself laughing when the word "poser" was tossed around in this thread a few posts up.
Hypocrite? Not really. If my favorite J-rock group all of the sudden started dressing "emo," I wouldn't really care as long as the music stays the same, BUT I wouldn't think it was cool or even wear the same thing. I'd just be really disappointed. Besides, non of my favorite J-rockers are anything close to "emo" so that's not even an issue.
It's true what you say though, some people do that. And it is hypocritical in certain aspects. It's kind of brainwashing too, if you think about it. Just for the J-rock band that they 'drool over,' they forgo their usual beliefs in order to work with their favoritism, which is a form of hypocrisy. I know this all too well -.-;;

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