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cridgit001 (Offline)
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12-06-2008, 04:00 AM

Originally Posted by Arikado View Post
I'm all for it. I think when people chat online, they tend to be more open about themselves. In real life, shyness becomes a much greater factor, which dampens the "learning process," if you will. I know this because a lot of my opinions, beliefs and such are not voiced aloud when I'm around people out in the public (school and such). This is because I'm just too shy -.-;;
I have also considered this, but then there's always that pedophile possibility. Web cam chat would solve that though. Pretty hard to fake one of those. Meeting would be an issue because I live in Houston and for it to "work" there would need to be some kind of physical contact. This is needed in any relationship be it friends to fiance.
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