I dun noe if i believe in real love a not but if i hav 2 chose between believing in real love or not believing in real love, i chose not to believe. Well, it's kinda hard 2 explain why i dun believe in real love.

k. Maybe the dating part, there is love and everything. After you get married, i feel tat the love would start to dissappeared because you keep seeing the same person everday. it would became boring. To me, why couples still stick together after marriage is because of responsibilty. Ppl say tat real luv is everlasting and forever but i find it hard to believe tat you can love tat one person for the rest of life. Juz imagine seeing the same person for 70 years. Would you feel bored? i tink i would. k, after saying all these, i dun tink anyone would want to marry me anymore.