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(#3 (permalink))
Keram (Offline)
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Posts: 6
Join Date: Nov 2008
Unhappy But what are the costs???!!! - 12-06-2008, 08:55 PM

Thanks for your reply,

I was wanting to know the current costs in Japanese yen. I am not making any comparisons between countries. As you know, the US there all sorts of hidden taxes County taxes, state taxes, federal taxes, etc..

But what I am looking for is the costs incurred once you register at city hall. Is it income based or locality based? If you purchase a home (let say around 40,000,000 yen) do you have to pay land tax, and if so at what rate? Does City Hall charge you for Garbage collection, so how much? and so on... This will give me an Idea of what I will need to budget on, and what preparations I will need do to make this shift.

Any Ideas?
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