Originally Posted by KUNIO
It is clean, no worries
You are being nice because you care, and I appreciate it. Now, the question!
What do girls want from guys? I have never had a girlfriend as you know, so when I get one, how must I act? I mean in general, do you treat them different from other men? Also, how do you know when you are ready for like kissing? I know this sounds crazy, but I really don't know. I tried talking to my mom about this and she laughed. I guess I want to know about women in general, thanks.
Dude, no-one knows what women want!
How to act? BE YOURSELF! She wants you for who you are! Ofcourse you treat women different to men: hold doors, carry bags, ladies first etc.
In return they cook, wash, iron and clean (ladies please don't reach for my PM button, was a mere joke)
Cant explain kissing, it just happens. Trust me, you will know
Talking to your mum? lol! What did we say about arquiring them downstairs dangly things? Never tell your girlfriend you did that, or anyone you know IRL