An advice, laugh... Laugh at your flaws, since you have a hard time finding your better qualities, laugh at them, every time you do something stupid just laugh at it.
Originally Posted by SHAD0W
only difference between guys and girls is that we have dangly bits in different places. i get the feeling theres a certain girl you like? must be something for you to get so worked up.
Idea: post a pic of yourself here, maybe theres some nerdy female JF'ers in your area that might be interested? 
Not true, boys and girls have more differences then just the "dangly bits", by nature, they are more emotional then men, per example, of course there are tough chicks and soft boys, but generally they are more emotional.
Originally Posted by CarleyGee
A drink (only one) will loosen you up enough though and still keep your judgement. Obviously..
*nobody ask me or say anything about how I know that.
You must be a really soft drinker... xD