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yuujirou (Offline)
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12-07-2008, 07:10 AM

Originally Posted by Nagoyankee View Post
Hey yuujirou, I have a couple of questions I hope you can answer.

1. I never seem to hear an American mention 'Engawa'. Is it available over there? I have a hunch they like it a lot if it's available.

2. What are the 'neta' that your American customers request the most?

Thanks in advance!

1. It's because Engawa isn't as prized in America as it is in Japan.... Heck, most people don't even acknowledge white fish, as they prefer to stick w/ either hamachi, maguro, and/or sake. >.>''
And as to it's availability.... it depends on the chef...
Whether or not he can sell the engawa or not.. or even if he knows what the engawa is even >.>''

though for the consumers that do know of it...
i don't believe they prize it as much as they would the rest of the hirame

2. As for the neta....
the typical line-up
tamago, unagi, anago, tamago, ebi, saba, tai, suzuki, hirame, shiro-maguro, maguro, hamachi, sake, uni, Oo/chuu toro, tako, ika, ikura, tobiko, masago, escolar, hokkigai, hotate, and kani-kama >.>''
basically, fish that's available all year
it's not hon-sushi after all x]
though some higher-end sushi-ya do try to mix it up by importing seasonal fish every now and then.

as for the most commonly requested...
maguro, hamachi, sake, uni, ootoro, ebi, kani-kama, and escolar (or super white tuna, as some like to call it)
atleast, that's what's popular in my area anyway.

hope that helps ^_^"

oh and btw =3
i wanna know
is aji cheap in japan?
aji as in horse mackerel ^^

haha... our restaurant sells one aji for like $20 USD

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