Thread: Girl help
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xYinniex (Offline)
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12-08-2008, 04:39 PM

Like they said, you're 16, i mean when i was 16, i wasn't the greatest looker either. at 16 your life is just beginning, you're starting from scratch so im not surprised you're feeling as low as you are, you got a long way to go yet. When you have hormones, they override everything when you're 16. Focus on what you are now, like the positives what i can gather is that

-you're a caring guy, and take the oppurtunity to show this, smile a little.
-If you think you look bad, change a little everyday, like wear a new shirt? Change your hairstyle.
-You're good at technology, which is good, there is high demand for computer jobs. keep at it.

You can:
-boost your self esteem by getting a saturday job.
-Don't let your half blindness dictate what you can do, think if someone can say, do a sport, try it out, you never know.
-Don't let your life be dictated by cliches like nerds jocks whatever.
-Join a sport, whether it be football, or abseiling or whatever. [check your local community stuff and see what plans they have]

But with all these things, don't go into straight away if you're not comfortable, do a little bit everyday/week.

"I'm sorry, but i must have given you the impression that I actually care about your opinions"
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