Originally Posted by Keaton421
I see...
Sinestra, it's not about proving anything. There are reasons that couples decide to tie the knot. Saying boyfriend/girlfriend for the rest of my life sounds pretty immature, anyway
Oh i agree with you there are numerous reasons to get married under the right circumstances. My argument is i dont need a piece of paper that gives me the right to spend the rest of my life with the person i care about. Im not attacking marriage im attacking the process. I take it you love your wife very much do you need a piece of paper to show that no you dont you know how she feels and she knows how you feel. Like i said other than the religious aspects behind it i have no problem with marriage and would encourage it when its right.
I dont know if we have any Europeans posting right now. But i read that marriage in Europe as whole is on the the decline with more people choosing to just live and raise families together. Is there any truth to this?