Thread: Girl help
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ChisaChi (Offline)
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12-09-2008, 02:38 AM

Girl coming through My advice is don't get caught up in what's 'normal' or what you perceive other people to expect of you. You don't need a girlfriend to validate yourself as a person or because people think you should have one at 16 - everyone is their own person and should go at their own pace. Your issue seems to be socialising and interacting with other people, and you need to sort that out first because lack of confidence and self-pity are generally not attractive.

I used to be a painfully shy person when I'm not around people or situations that I'm comfortable in, but I made a conscious decision to work on it. Now I feel much more confident in social situations, have even become slightly extroverted and am running a starting a business with the contacts I've made I know it must be more difficult for you but it is possible if you keep trying and remain positive even after setbacks. If you have been medically diagnosed as you say then seeking professional help from a psychiatrist or counselor might help.

Forget getting a girl, look to yourself first. Getting a girl or moving away will not solve your problems.

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