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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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12-09-2008, 06:29 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
The law is only a part of what I was trying to say.

People can say "age is just a number" but if 16-year-olds are ready for sex, does that mean so are 14-year-olds? 12-year-olds? Do I need to keep going lower?

We KNOW that 16-year-olds are not fully mature individuals, physically and mentally. Research shows the completion of puberty at somewhere between 18 and 21 for the most part.

I will ask again. If you are over the age of 22, tell me honestly if you are still with the girl or boy you "loved" when you were 16. My educated guess would tell me that almost none of those relationships stood the test of time. Why? Because bodies are still changing. The brain is still growing. Hormones are flaring...the whole classic speech.
You can't really go to much lower than 16 in my opinion (I think the lowest I heard about was in Denmark where it's apparently 15).

I hear what you're saying but there is another side to why we have the law at the age it is.

The idea is that while a boundary is needed to protect young girls from predatory men... one is also needed to protect full grown men from "hormone flaring" young girls.

A 16 year old actively seeking sex can appear fully developed and lie about her age to get what she wants.

Very few 14 year olds appear fully developed.

As for my 16 year old love life... Hehe... I dated a girl who I thought I was in love with sure.. but I dated women when I was 19, 24, and 26 who I thought I was in love with too.

Why are my 16 year old feelings not valid yet my 19, 24 and 26 year old ones are?

Last edited by Ronin4hire : 12-09-2008 at 06:31 AM.