12-09-2008, 10:03 PM
I think it be a great idea to have all the RP's in one place, as for making different sections for beginners, and the more expirianced, well your still gonna end up with ppl doing whatever they want and posting everywhere
My Property:Pexster, Slykaz1
If the ocean was vodka and i was a duck,
i would go to the bottom and drink my way up
but the ocean isn't vodka and i'm no duck
so pass up the bottle and shut the hell up!
Score: Eiri: 43 Slykaz1: 78Rojjin: 59 Yuna7780: 79 reihino:15 Crani:22 Ramones1976:0 AnimeBaby:3 Arikado:1 Kikibunny23:3