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Nyororin (Offline)
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12-10-2008, 12:25 AM

Originally Posted by Raistlin View Post
How did you progress from visiting a second time to working and fully supporting yourself?
Get married.

What do you do for a living?
Right now? Nothing - I had a kid and put that whole thing first. Before that, I was a translator/interpreter.

How do others around you treat you?
Read the other countless times I`ve answered this in the thread.

Are there other Americans there (that you're friends with I mean)?
I have one friend who is American, and one friend who is Australian. Neither of them are friends because they`re those nationalities. Actually, probably in spite of it.

How did you meet your wife?
Wife? I`m female.

Also, How long did it take for you to become proficient in Japanese (speaking and literacy)?
Also, I think I`ve answered this a hundred times... I`d say 4 months to full fledged conversation at a mid gradeschool level without any actual studying. (Just being in Japan) 6 to 8 months to actual age level.
Literacy... I don`t really remember. I`d say a year and a half before I could comfortably read a novel? (Much MUCH quicker for easy stuff like manga.) Again, with no study.

If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.
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