a few RPGs i suggest:
Eternal Sonata (although i didn't like this game, uriko loves it, and she's more of a rpg fan than me)
Untold Legends
Valkryria Chronicles
Fallout 3
the problem is that there aren't that many RPGs for the ps3 that are worth mentioning, not til ff13 at least
Resistance 1 and 2 (keep in mind i don't play FPSs, but these 2 games are an exception. that's how good they are)
Unreal Tournament (assuming your PC can't play it)
Call of Duty (any of them)
again, i don't play FPSs. i only own resistance 1 and 2. i just heard that unreal tourney and call of duty were good
metal gear solid 4
metal gear solid 4
metal gear solid 4
metal gear solid 4
sorry, i can't stress enough how important it is for you to get that game >_>
bioshock (i don't own it. but it's suposed to be good)
ratchet and clank future (it was really fun
heavenly sword (i'm sad that they canceled the 2nd one
i also suggest time crisis 4. but that's just cause i'm a huge fan of that game.