Originally Posted by discoiskinky
pfft whoever recommended wearing a suit to a club obviously goes to the wrong clubs. sneakers + jeans + tee for guy is fine. who the hell wants to dance in a suit? and unless you are on a business trip why would you even need a suit? even the most exclusive of restaurants in tokyo such as Beige only require a tailored jkt - not a full suit.
Ehh, you see there are business suits and there are nice suits its like night and day. I suppose we just have different taste in fashion, but, mind giving a more specific definition on "wrong club" Yea, jeans and t-shirt are "fine" for some clubs, and all bars but ehh, i like to raise the bar not dress like im in one. I guess i just like to look nice, not "fine".. And lol at the poseur comment from ronin4hire, sounds resentful mate, its like your calling me a poseur and rich dick head and im far from both lol.

None the less, id like to hear your opinion on "the wrong type of girl"..Seriously