Originally Posted by Mehmet
Is this normal or are you exeptionally skilled with linguistics?
I do have a degree in linguistics, received after I was fluent.
As for whether I am exceptionally skilled... I would say it`s more down to environment and putting yourself into situations that force improvement. Japanese air isn`t going to help one bit if you keep yourself in situations that let you get by without Japanese. I was in a homestay, no English environment - and did my best to make friends with the students at the high school I was a "GAP" at (read that as "hanging out there for no pay and without paying as I`d graduated already, but it made the school look cool to have more "international" students...). I tried to avoid falling back on English, and was certainly getting by after a couple months.
Oh and have you ever tooken the Japanese language profficiency test?
If so what level did you get up to?
Yes. I have level 1.