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TheCrimson (Offline)
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12-11-2008, 03:23 AM

Originally Posted by amuchan View Post
If someone is hurting themselves, they need help. I will never understand how people love the feel of blades, knives, razors, etc. cutting into their skin and watching the blood pour out. That is effin disturbing.
A story I once read had a 17 y/o girl with heavy scars on her arms. I definitley feel pity for her.

@TheCrimson-Thanks for bringing this up. Younger people have such fragile minds, bad examples can so much taint their minds and screw them up.

no problem =) i felt this is quite an important issue, especially after i saw this effed up article on encyclopedia dramatica O_o

Emo Cutter Girl

the pics on there are totally effed up.

and yea, i agree, younger people do have such fragile weak minds, and people who do things like this publicly, especially if they're a role model can really do affect their young fans.
but some of the fans can be pretty retarded and think this is attractive because "real men can handle pain"
or whatever.
its retarded.

@ GentlePrincess - yea, i went through this stage to, and it was just plain stupid. it solved nothing, it only created unnecessary scars. didnt make the pain go away, just gave you a constant reminder of the pain.

but yeah, definitely. people who do this need help. i got over it once i was living in a better situation.

sometimes its not really for attention. i did it cause i didnt care for my life at the time, i was such a depressed fuckwit i was suicidal at one point, i just didnt care.

but yeah. the point is. it is NOT cool to do sh*t like this.

not cool.

that emo cutter girl thing is really effed up. check it out guys.

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