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TheCrimson (Offline)
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12-11-2008, 03:29 AM

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
I never did understand it. I've never been the type to need to harm myself, no matter how depressed I got.

However, I do know some people do it to stop feeling like shit and to feel numb to forget emotional pain or something similar.

Most people do it / say they do it, cos of some attention deficit problem.
its true most people do it because they want/need attention.

frack i've seen it so many times, its ridiculous, most of them are young girls wanting attention from boys, actually. O_o

and as for the doing it to feel numb. it worked for... 5 mins? then you just felt like shit again. and years from then you'll feel dumb because you have unnecessary scars.

good that you never got onto this bandwagon of shitness, but some people can handle depression better than others, but yeah. i would never do this again no matter how depressed i will ever get in the future.

it's just a stupid thing to do.

@ Superheel - how effed up is that?

and Freddy, yeah, i can understand that, but yea, its just people need to find better ways of redirecting their problems, some people need to be taught to clear their heads.

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