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xYinniex (Offline)
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12-11-2008, 02:55 PM

I've heard they eat moneky brains in china, like from the monkeys head and in those parts they seem to get alot of people with some weird brain disease CJ something.

Koreans eat dogs, Not all the time, like at new years and stuff.

I've had chicken feet, love that stuff.
Smelly tofu- if you're in the right mood
Wasabi: I love that stuff

Funny enough, I can totally take wasabi but with durian[because i havent eaten it in so long] i had one bite and it totally overwhelmed me. It seems like i couldnt take it anymore. But i wouldn't call it gross.

snails, or escargots as they're called are actually quite nice. *hides*

"I'm sorry, but i must have given you the impression that I actually care about your opinions"
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