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xYinniex (Offline)
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12-11-2008, 07:59 PM

Originally Posted by Arikado View Post
Chinese eat dogs?!?! I've never seen dog on any menus in Taiwan. I must have missed it somewhere along the line. Or are you talking about mainland China? I know there are some pretty wacky things on the menu in China. I know that my mom and her family love that rotten looking duck egg stuff. It just looks like a black mess of terrible to me DX I think I tried it once and it was really salty, but the texture killed me. I guess if you want to appreciate that kind of stuff you have to be full Chinese, hahaha.
Yeah, like northern mainland china, nearer there. I believe but hey, I could be wrong.

im pretty much full chinese
Yeah, some of the stuff we eat are pretty sick like birds nest[made from swallows spit', cordyceps which are dried plants that eat insects [like it has a sweet sticky substance that attracts insects but when insects eat it they eat stuck and the plant kills it with its digestive juices', chicken feet- i heart that stuff.

I've seen chickens being killed, my gran owns a few and we kill them and eat them, its normal to me y'know. so i've never been that scared of images of dead animals. call me a bitch, but thats the way it is.

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