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Arikado (Offline)
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12-11-2008, 08:49 PM

Originally Posted by xYinniex View Post
you got chased by chickens too *hi5* XD

Its DURIAN, and i used to love eating it when i was younger, but now, it overwhelms me, the smell just goes WAAAY up my nose and i can't breathe.
I can't say it's nasty, because it is nice, but its just a really pungent taste and its certainly an acquired taste.
HAHAHA you got chased by chickens too. I have a feeling every Chinese kid gets chased by some sort of farm animal as a kid (seriously). My brother is the same. Same with some of my old friends, my cousins. Damn, it must be a curse, lmao!

Durian is more correct and Duran, but I've seen it spelled the latter a lot. I guess that would be the Engrish version XD

Originally Posted by wilsontheterrible View Post
Heavens no, that would be illegal where I live. I already get enough hate mail from PETA as it is, bloody psycho's, and I don't feel like getting slapped with a lawsuit for killing fido. I'm just saying it probably wouldn't taste that bad if you made it properly.
Hahaha, I know, I was just messing with you. I'm sure if you prepared it right it wouldn't be half-bad, but I just don't like the idea.

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"Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star" -孔夫子
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