Well glad to hear the response from the Muslim gentleman, can't seem tofind your post again.
Some people really disgust me, especially that chinese stuff
Dog's brains? That's bad enough. I've heard of some Chinese contraption that holds a monkey's head so you can scoop out his BRAAAIIINNNNSSSS while he's still alive and kicking. That borders on cruelty in my book.
More creepy Asian food! Baby mice wine... oh Korea
To me, there are tasty foods, untasty foods, and foods that are just plain wrong. As much as I respect Chinese culture, for f*ck's sake people...
Oh! I wish I was in the land of Ramen
Otaku there are not downtrodden
Kawaii! Kawaii! Kawaii, Desu Ne!
Defender of the Scholar, Scourge of the Otaku, Savior of Japan