Originally Posted by Kyousuke
yeah i know. but its fun to try to better understand kanji and how they are used. even if its in random order.
The prevailing philosophy around here seems to be "we know this method is broken and ineffective, but we're going to do it anyway because we're having fun." Which is cool. But you shouldn't expect results that way.
Reviewing the Kanji. Knock yourself out.
Originally Posted by Nagoyankee
Originally Posted by Lucas89
(私は)町の近くで住んでいる。 (わたしは)まちのちかくですんでいる。
(I) live near the town.
I think you can correct that one yourself since there's only one other choice.
If you don't mind, could you explain why you would use で instead of に here? It seems like they're both being used as a location marker, and I always thought that they were interchangeable in that respect.