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Aota (Offline)
Sol Rebel
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12-14-2008, 07:42 PM

I really have two different ways of describing love.

First one being, clearly, Ella Fitzgerald's Let's Do It (Let's Fall in Love). Says it all for some.

Second being a more personal definition. Protection, comfort, warmth, happiness, and just an all-around clear feeling of joy. I figure that to be love.

What's the difference betweenst maturity and experience? One person could say, "I'm a mature person. I can spot out the difference between real love and puppy love because I've got a clear head on my shoulders," compared to "I'm an experienced person. I can spot out the difference between real love and puppy love because I've seen it all..." Really, what is the difference between them?

The color of the sala flower reveals the truth that is... To flourish is to fall. The proud do not endure.

Heaven or Hell, Let's Rock!

Like a passing dream on a night in Spring. The mighty fall at last, to be no more than dust before the wind.
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