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JF Ossan
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12-14-2008, 08:06 PM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
That's fine, but I don't think so.

At 16 I don't believe everyone is hormonal and confused and emotionally unstable like a lot of people tend to make out. 16 year olds can experience complicated things, death of family members, divorce of parents, exam stress, etc, I think people underestimate them when it comes to dealing with feelings of love.

In my eyes, age never equals maturity. Only experience. And to deal with a relationship it needs to be handled with maturity, and maybe a little experience, but I don't believe it's solely dependent on experience alone. Maturity is taking onboard experience and learning from that. And I don't think that comes with age.
How many 16 year olds are still will the "love of their life" at 26?

I didn't say "hormonal and confused" but there is no denying that a teens body is going through mental and physical alterations during this time. Things just SEEM bigger...that is science. It doesn't make teenagers stupid, it makes them teenagers. This is why teens attempt suicide more when their boyfriend breaks up with them or they fail a test (I am not saying ALL TEENS do this)'s the brain isn't fully developed to fairly register the impact of events in their lives, and without a lot of experience it is sometimes hard to see that "life goes on".

Last edited by MMM : 12-14-2008 at 08:12 PM.
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