Originally Posted by ThirdSight
Love has such a big impact on younger people because they don't know how to interpret their hormones because they're less experienced with dealing with love.
And yeah, we can say that anyone can experience love at any age, but what we're really trying to get at here is if we can actually define young love as actual love, whatever that may be.
We have adult love and teen love. Where do you put actual love? I'd say those are sub-categories of the main one...
So yes young people can love...
If the first poster intended to say if they can experience love like adults, no, absolutely not, if you're an adult and deep in love you probably think of spending your life with this person, while if a teen you think 100 times because you have a long life ahead and you have still to live it (free). I don't think being tied with a person for 60-70 years is a good idea