Great, just my luck.
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Location: London
12-15-2008, 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by catijoy
Ha. If you're talking about me well... What an idiot you are. I'll have you know that, first of all, my boyfriend is not fourteen, he's sixteen. And second of all, he won't "chase anything that moves" because he's not like that. O rly? Ya rly. He shares the same feelings as me, if not more so.
Listen, you guys, I don't know what came over me when I posted that. I was so angry when I saw all the other posts saying that young people couldn't love, I went out of my way and posted that. Now I remember why I never talk about my personal life on the Internet.
Maybe someday I will look back at myself and say that I was an idiot. I won't deny that I acted like one just now with posting such a personal topic. But please, lay off the insults. I really don't appreciate it.
You've been dating, over the internet, for two years.
How exactly do you know he's not cheating on you? "Because I trust him, and he's not that kind of person" right?
Wrong answer.
People in relationships usually DO go through a lot of things together.
Don't just pick on the high school couples
High school students don't go through much relationship wise apart from hormones changing and then suddenly seeing they don't fancy that person anymore.
This is a seriously messed-up thread.
All I see is a bunch of people trying to prove each other wrong.
You have ~20 minutes to prove me otherwise. (I'll be asleep after that, whether I like it or not.)
Have you no understanding of a discussion?
God help the world if today's youngsters approach discussion this way.
Also, forgive me if I don't weep to "prove you wrong", since you have no proof to prove me wrong either.
- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -