Originally Posted by boinky78
Ok there is alot of populairty with japanese horror films
people who are into japanese culture are always talking about how scary japanese horror films are
I have seen alotttttttttttttttttt of japanese horror films and not one has scared me
alot of the times the plot is stupid and the movie is just a rip off of ju-on(another crappy japanese movie might even be more crappy then the american version )
but then there are some japanese horror movies that arent scary but are interesting/suspensful
I'm sure there are scary japanese horror movies out there that i havent seen yet
anyone here get what I mean?
Maybe you're just not easily scared...?
Has an American horror ever scared you? If not, maybe you're just not scared easily, or you're scared in a different way aside from movies all together.
Anywho, just because you aren't scared by JHorror, doesn't meant that others aren't as well. Just keep an open mind - maybe next time you watch a JHorror movie, decide why
others might think it's scary, and think less of why
you don't think it's scary =)