12-15-2008, 02:15 AM
I'm really sorry for my angry post. Thanks for editing it for me.
And I have met him. He's just the same in real life as he is on the Internet. He's wonderful... But I won't go into detail. I may embarrass myself again by getting sappy. XD I know he's not cheating on me, because he loves me too much. We talk constantly; often more than six hours a day daily since we met, so we're pretty close with each other. That's how I know he's not cheating. Over the past two years, we really have built a relationship, and it's working out so far. Maybe things will change in the future; who's to say? But for now, I'm happy where I am.
Shabon Freedom!
Crazy... Toys in the attic, I am crazy...
Truly gone fishing...
They must have taken my marbles away!
- Pink Floyd ~ The Trial