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(#79 (permalink))
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ThirdSight (Offline)
Bane of Stupidity
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12-15-2008, 03:54 AM

Sweet Jesus taters.

I come home from work, eat, and log back in, and already this thread has started to disintegrate from an intelligent, well-thought out, harmless, and proper debate into a flame throwing match with, you guessed it, youngsters who are insecure about their relationships to the point where they feel the need to validate themselves to people whom they've never met, will never meet, and who only know each other through the Internet.

To the young lady with the rather explicit posts,
It's great that you feel so strongly about your "other half". Regardless, long distance, Internet based relationships are hard, not because of the distance, but of the trust involved. It's a much longer two way street than if you saw him in person on a regular basis. Those that say those kinds of relationships don't work is because they've been in one that's failed, or seen one go up in flames. Hopefully yours will work out. We're not here to demonstrate how young kids can "validate" their relationship, we're trying to discuss the validity of emotions felt by those with less maturity and less experience in life in comparison to those that have more, with the third factor of hormones also in play. And, in all honesty, if you are hurt by anything I've typed here, you've made mine and MMM's points for us.

To the 18 year old gentleman,
Once again, you're proving mine and MMM's points quite clearly for us. It's great you feel that way, but have you stopped to think about it? Why? What have you experienced in life, besides a few bum girls back when you were younger, that validates the feelings you have? How mature are you to say that? Furthermore, does it count as love, "just because you feel it"? Since we're talking about people like you, it's be an amazing addition to the discussion at hand if you were to give us something more than just, "a feeling". This is not a personal attack against you, because honestly, I could give two licks about the whole ordeal.

I'm going to bed tonight crying myself to sleep knowing that I can't even have a intelligent discussion and debate, even on the Internet of all places. I leave it up to the rest of you to take all the intelligent posts in this thread wildly out of context.


How in the world do people reach 1,000+ posts?

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