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(#81 (permalink))
KikiBunny23 (Offline)
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12-15-2008, 05:31 AM

Originally Posted by Ningyou View Post
I'm not offended whatsoever by what you said. I've been through a lot of things in my life that I won't discuss on a forum like this with a bunch of people I don't know, but the best way for me to describe how I know I'm in love is because my girlfriend is the only one that I want, the only one that I think about, the only one who can make me smile. I click with her better than I've ever clicked with anyone, and she knows me and understands me better than anyone and vise versa. I would die for her. And if that's not enough to know that you love someone than I don't know what is.
But what if you know it's love yet you're mind refuses to accept it? Then what? -has this problem- Because my boyfriend says all these things to me, and I know in my heart that he means them and I want to say then back to him so much...but it's just like a mental block. My mind still sees that friendship we shared.
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