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AnimeBaby112 (Offline)
Posts: 222
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: U. S. of A.
My story needs a critique. (please) - 12-15-2008, 07:34 AM

I am in need of a critique for some of my stories.
I am going to post the first chapter and see what you guys think.
Say exactly what you think of it.
Now mind you this is not the best example of my writing abilities, this is a very old story.

The story is set in New York City.

Chapter one.
I am not a freak, I am not a freak, I am not a freak.
These words ran through my head as I waited for the nurse to call my name.
I looked around the tiny cramped doctors office, half a dozen men and women sat in the chairs, flipping through magazines and news papers, watching the small colorless TV or attempting to entertain their children.

A little boy sat on the stained grey rug, playing with worn colored blocks, his mother watched me warily from over the top of her magazine; I smiled at her, remembering too late why I was here.
The womans eyes widened, she dropped her magazine and snatched up her son, who began to cry. All the other children looked up and began to cry too.

I looked to my right, Sister Carline (my escort) was laying back in her chair, asleep. I smiled again and stood up quietly, I looked around once more before disappearing through the door.
It was raining hard when I got outside. I didnt mind, I was used to the cold and rain. I checked the window of the office, madam Carline was still asleep. Good. I pulled my coat tightly and set off into the darkness.

So that is it. Please tell me what you think.
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