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(#7 (permalink))
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Salvanas (Offline)
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12-15-2008, 07:17 PM

Generally, a good piece. Although, I find that detail and building up a character is a very important aspect to a piece of writing, and I hardly see any of it in your examples. Yes, there is some sort detail there, but not enough in my opinion. Also, most of the describing words hardly build his character. It's just a bit of info that has no real meaning.

Here, let me take your first few lines, and show you what I mean:

The figure hurried along the deserted, moonlit streets as the strong wind ripped throughout (OR across) the surroundings, causing his jet black hair to whip around him like long threads of yarn. (You can slip the pointed ears in later, it creates more interest if you hold the main details for more longer) Shivering, he clutched his cloak desperately, wrestling the wind for it's warmth. He (The figure is not needed here again. He is enough) paused momentarily to squint at the moon, which bathed his face in a dim light which faintly illuminated his handsome features. His lips were thin, delicate, almost feminine, much like his eyes and eyebrows, which curved upward very slightly, a distinguishable reminder of his blood (This causes the readers to take a guess, or even think "what blood?"). He did not linger for long for he had a task to complete. looking ahead, he pulled his cloak closer again and continued into the broken quarter of the city. The streets here were dark and filthy, where piles of trash lined the edges, causing a foul stench to fill the air.

This is vaguely what I mean. Of course, this is my own style, so copying it might not of course work for you. But personally, this is the amount of detail which is needed. And perhaps, even more.

Edit: Also, Thirdsight is correct in that you need more explanation.

- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -
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