Originally Posted by Aniki
Knowing that she's 28 I don't think she's a naive person, and obviously she understands that she is more that just a friend for him, especially after his last attempt to strike a conversation with her:
Also, in his previous posts he stated that her relationship has problems, and right now asking for dinner be the same as taking advantage out her worsened relationship. Do you really think it's wise for him to make ANY moves while she is in such state?
In Japan silence is not uncomfortable as it is in the West, so no, I doubt she had the impression he is falling for her because he didn't say hello in the break room.
I don't understand why asking her to dinner is "taking advantage". If he likes her and she likes him, where is the damage? If she were married, yes, that would be a completely different story. If she is happy with her relationship and isn't interested in Zed, then she will decline his invitation. No harm, no foul.