Originally Posted by MMM
Telling her how he feels would be a terrible idea. Japanese people aren't so forthcoming with their feelings until well into a relationship. Just asking her out for dinner sends a VERY clear message. If she accepts, she is sending a VERY clear message. If she declines, she is also sending a VERY clear message. If she says "kondo" (next time) that is another VERY clear message. The important point is, if she says yes, you have an in, if she says no, or more than likely "kondo" or some other polite way of turning you down, then it should be dropped and never discussed again. Then it is time to explore outside of the office.
I agree with this to a point. Do not tell her how you feel. But also asking her out on a "date", (dinner is a terrible first date because of all the talking needed during dinner which is too stressful) is a bad idea. Do something creative like shopping (women love to shop. Act like you need her opinion on a shirt or something. Take her for coffee while shopping. Be diffferent)
Women don't know how they feel about a man until they are sure that no other will do it for her. If done right you can have her saying "Boyfriend? What boyfriend?" It's not about not taking no for an answer, it's about making her want to see that you are the right man for her.