Originally Posted by Keaton421
If he's been in love with her for a year, then it's already having some impact on their work relationship. Better to find at least some kind of resolution, if you ask me.
That's what I'm thinking.
Originally Posted by MMM
I am not advising he give her a ring.
And I'm not saying that you are.
Originally Posted by MMM
I am saying ask her out for a meal. If she declines he knows where he stands and he hasn't embarrassed himself.
A meal? Of course. I'm not saying he should start avoiding her, just because he's in love. I just don't won't him to do any "serious" decisions until he's sure that she's free or at least might be.
Nobody here wouldn't care much if their girlfriend is chatting, going out for lunch or shopping with her co-worker, but I think everyone would get concerned if they'll found out that her co-worker is giving sings to her which show that he's trying to steal her away.