Thread: NihonGO!
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edopeno (Offline)
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12-16-2008, 12:16 AM

Thank you guys for the comments so far - as it encourages me to fix, re-create and innovate NihonGO!

I don't want anyone to argue over NihonGO!, I'm already starting it. I'd rather have energy expended by having you guys recommend words and/or phrases.

A little background of why I started it: A friend of mine in San Francisco, he's originally from Osaka, started an Entertainment Company (think dance clubs and parties). On occasion, we would cater strictly to the Japanese/those interested in Japan crowd.

Everyone knew I spoke Japanese and wanted to know how they could "hit on the kirei na onna no hito." So I would teach them a few words (e.g. nanpatteru, kisu shitekudasai, etc...) just for fun. Just to break the ice. It worked, and it got people interested in wanting to do language partner exchange. My japanese friends wanted to speak with my american friends and vice versa. Not my intention in the first place, but hey, anyone to gain interest right? Bringing that energy forward, I created NihonGO!

I know it has kinks, but any suggestions (the ones you guys have now are great BTW) would be greatly appreciated. Now you know! Odaiji ni minna!

Last edited by edopeno : 12-16-2008 at 12:17 AM. Reason: correcting spelling
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