Originally Posted by ZedKnightly
actually id have to disagree a little bit there. i told you guys bout my first gf, we went for 4 years. i dont know if i should be telling u all this, but when i frst found her she had a bf. and they were like romeo and juliet of our school.. that was, till i find out that he was actually manhandling her and giving her bruises. no one would believe her when she told anyone cause they seemed perfect, so i became her crying shoulder. which eventually lead to us in the end.
What I meant, was if you
KNOW that she is in a relationship in which she's
HAPPY, then you should back off. Beating her and giving bruises isn't a part of a perfect relationship. If I knew that her boyfriend is beating her, then not only I get her away from him, but I also report him to the police, even if she'd ask not to.