Originally Posted by Aniki
What I meant, was if you KNOW that she is in a relationship in which she's HAPPY, then you should back off. Beating her and giving bruises isn't a part of a perfect relationship. If I knew that her boyfriend is beating her, then not only I get her away from him, but I also report him to the police, even if she'd ask not to.
oh ok. point taken.
by the way, ive had a great idea.
if you guys have been reading my posts, i said ill be coming back to philippipnes this saturday for a 2 week vacation.
What if instead of asking her out to dinner, i ask her out to help me pick/buy presents for girls...?
would that make me look like demanding, or a bother to her, who cant decide on my own..? or what?
comments would be appreciated, sooner the better cause i plan on asking her later! thanks!