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ThirdSight (Offline)
Bane of Stupidity
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12-16-2008, 02:27 AM

Originally Posted by Kajitsu View Post
Sorry for quoting the first page, but...
I love you for that.

Depression is an illness.
Depression often leads to self-inflicted pain.
Self-inflicted pain leads to questions asked by other people that are unintelligent enough to speak up.
Questions like that lead to depression.
Depression is an illness.
Depression often leads to self-inflicted pain.
It goes in a cycle like that. Some people wear gloves and long sleeves for a reason.
So the goddamn questions stop!!
I agree, trying to understand why some people try to kill themselves because of a mental illness is just plain stupid. Hell, we should just let the cancer patients die then, since it's be retarded to try to question them about it to try to find a cure for such a horrible disease.

Nice line of thinking. Next time you have a great idea to prevent further development of the human mind and condition, fall into a well.


How in the world do people reach 1,000+ posts?

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