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(#138 (permalink))
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ivi0nk3y (Offline)
Calm Like A Bomb
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12-16-2008, 02:48 AM

Originally Posted by superheel View Post
That just sounds very Emo to me. Feeling it's the only way to escape emotional pain? With all do respect that just sound ridiculous to me. I view them as "people who give up easily". Instead of trying to be happy, they'll just sit on one corner and cut themselves or do all these painful stuff to themselves? Does hurting yourself make you feel better? Hell no, it just brings more tears and thoughts like "I'm a loser, I should die.". Then theres these bands that do these to themselves while onstage, for me, they are posers and are just doing it so people will think that they are cool. Oh what the heck, you'd never understand people like me who gives so much importance to my God given body. Oh well, nothing personal.
You can give all the respect to YOUR God given body but if you can't even begin to understand anyone elses pain and generalise so extremely, you fail utterly.

Like its been discussed, cutting yourself is not always done by people who are looking for attention and whatnot. It is a problem which gives them a respite from a depressive state. I might not personally think its right to cut yourself either and would agree with you on that point but I won't generalise everyone who does it and look down on them for it.

Truth Hurts

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