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12-16-2008, 04:07 AM

Ah, i remember having a few threads like that before. i let them go last time too, but it got out of hand eventually with users bashing other users and the general civilized conduct getting out of hand. HINT HINT.

Keep it clean please.
Consider this your warning to everyone. any user bashings will result in a one week ban from this point on. I've told the other mods to do so as well.

on topic:
Musical artists who do such things on stage while performing... I think is in distaste. but, on a technical level.. art is art. and in that point, i approve of it.
Blood splatter paintings anyone?
human organ sculptures? (taking dead bodies and sculpting them for display)

I mean... dont get all emotional and lose to it while on stage... but aside from that. a performer will do what carries them from song to song... but it's also their responsibility i think, to let the ppl know it's not ok to do. and to not take their actions as means to say, "its ok" or "it's alright to do".

But for those who cut themselves out of emotional means having nothign to do with music and the such... don't call them retarded or anything.
cutting yourself isn't something ppl do for fun (no matter how much they may try to say so).
for most ppl... it's the beginning of the road to tempation to get rid of their seemingly never ending problems. now some of you may think, having to resolve to such ways is silly and looking for a quick route.
but have any of you ever come to that door that you just can't open? surrounded by one issue after another pilling up and up? imagine every problem and issue in your life is a shadow that follows you jeering and jabing at you every second. sound like someone you know in school? jus want to tell them off after a while dont you? now imagine someone like that for every problem you have... school, home, work, etc... parents not giving you room... nagging abuot things. teachers giving you a hard time, peer pressure from your friends and those not quite your friends.
you start sleeping less because you're always thinking about it... if you ever seem to resolve one problem, two pop up in its place.
but suddenly you find this door labeled escape. woudn't you want to take a peek in it? to get away from all those shadows hounding on you at this point? anything would seem utopian from the depression (or near it) that you entered.

you hear ppl talking about it b4, and even made fun of it b4. but.. does it... work?
u start reaching at threads... u jus want some peace. even if its for a little while.

u're ashamed of it.. u roll up your sleeves. i mean, no one will know if its higher up. jus to try it once.
and then you do it...

they're not idiots. they're not stupid. they're your friends. don't pity them. don't sympathize with them. jus be friends with them. give them that ear or shoulder they want. the human psyche is a ridiculously fragile thing guys... that is, our mind.
anyone whos like that, wants attention. yeah, so what? give it to them. they dont want to be alone, so they do that. sometimes creating unneccesary drama. jus see through it and be there for them. but never out of pity, and only from friendship.

it's always a last resort, never a first.

talk to anyone who's done it b4... they're shamed to show their arms years later. wishing they had found some other way to vent off their desperations. and when they look back, they can't believe how stupid the reasons were for them to do such things. but... at the time, it seemed like it was the biggest problems ever. and thats how it will always seem at the time.

./end rant(vent)

Last edited by kudo : 12-16-2008 at 04:05 PM.
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