12-16-2008, 05:18 PM
Just realized I didnt give my story. Things a little tight for me as well but im doing ok. I work for Mercedes Benz and yes we have been affecting by the downward spiral of the auto industry but we are doing much better than the big 3. My dealership slashed so many things to save money and they did that so they would not have to lay anyone off. All managers too a 10% paycut so no one would lose their job. No overtime allowed unless given permission. My company no longer matches 401K for the next 6 months.
None of these things really effected me. Im the exception to the rule of overtime because i have two positions that no one else can fill so i work almost 12 hours a day. Money is good so i cant really complain i still have a job but right now everything goes into savings no spending frivolously.